Total Area: 7 acres School : 4.17 acres(60%), Hospital/Res. : 2.83 acres (40%)
The project Sri Sathya Sai Garmin Jagriti Sewa Sadan at village Darwa in Yamuna Nagar Dist of Haryana is run by Sri Sathya Sai Gramin Jagriti ( a registered society since 1990). The overall control is by cosmic form of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who guides, inspires and motivate the society members. On day to day running of the society work, there is a governing body which elects its President in a democratic fashion in Annual General Body Meeting. The President, in turn picks up his team of members. The society has floated two trusts for controlling the school affairs and Masala production centre independently.
Out of the original land of 27 acres donated by the village Panchayat, 7 acres were reclaimed by District administration for public interest works . The project is managed by a registered society Sri Sathya Sai Gramin Jagriti. The society was initially registered as “Jagriti” with the Registrar of Societies, U.T- Chandigarh in 1990. Later in 1992, with the blessings of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the name of the society was changed to “Sri Sathya Sai Gramin Jagriti”. There is no membership fee, only contribution of “Pure Love” is required for Life time Membership of the society. As on this day, there are 46 members on the rolls of the society. None of the members or their relatives is gainfully employed in the project. The services of the members in various capacities, is purely selfless in nature